Wow! What an amazing day already! And Yes, it's even better thanks to the SNOW.
We have been having days in the 70s and thus … maintaining our government’s directed social distancing during our prayer riding with essential oils on our heads and masked with a full-face motorcycle helmet filled with immune building essence.
Resurrection Day was yesterday, and it was a day spent in focus of what Jesus did for us. With the stay at home status we watched two full services and one partial service which all presented with their own special calling yet as One in their teaching from the Word.
Today is a day filled with great promise and a stirring in my spirit that has me listening intently to what it’s saying and leading me for my day and my life. I had heard the cleansing of rain in the wee dark hours of the morning. I eagerly headed back to my special space, my office. I opened my window blinds expecting to see the beauty of the cleansing rain and was absolutely amazed to see SNOW!!!
My inner spirit jumped with excitement, so we know what that means! I started searching in The Word to see what it said about snow. I read some different passages and then … and then Psalm 51:6-7. My whole being filled with awe, praise and worship in a whole new level.
Psalm 51:6-7 (WEB)
“Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts.
You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.
Purify me with hyssop, and it will be clean.
Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”
Wow! So, I obviously grab my bottle of Hyssop essential oil, anoint myself with the essence and start at the beginning of Psalm 51 to go deeper.
These words leap out at me: grace, mercy, compassion.
These requests for action: wash me, cleanse.
Verses 3&4: “For I know my crimes, and my sin confronts me all the time. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil from your perspective;”
That is so the devil to remind us of our past continually. I do a check for areas I need to repent in my life. My heart is burdened by my reluctance (that’s a nice word for FEAR) to STEP and DO what He has been leading me to do for quite some time now. I ask forgiveness and repent for allowing other humans perspectives to hinder me from living, seeing and doing from His perspective.
My mantels are healing and love. One of the things He has had on my heart is to lead a group through the God’s Will to Heal Bible Study by Keith Moore. He has even brought others along side me asking me to do it even though they have no prior knowledge of this study. My heart rejoiced as I have said YES to God and am starting a Zoom study (we are in stay at home status but Zoom allows others in remote areas of the World to join in) tonight. My heart was checked as I had contemplated maybe postponing the start until next week due to me not getting the invitation out in the World’s idea of 2 weeks or more notice. However, this morning brings me affirmation that I am to start tonight. I am to do it in my sensitive spirit and allow Him to show up and Divinely connect those that He wants. I am to show up and do it even if its just me. I have great peace and joy.
Verse 5: “True, I was born guilty, was a sinner from the moment my mother conceived me.”
Wow, I felt a release in my inner being. I felt pressure lifted from my shoulders. Understanding that guilt and shame are not my NOW identity. That they do NOT keep God from loving, cherishing and blessing me. Thus, they are NOT part of my identity and I am not to use them to distance myself from God and his leading.
Verse 6: “Still, you want truth in the inner person; so make me know wisdom in my inmost heart.”
Oh, how my inner being for as long as I remember has always longed for and sought truth and integrity. How I have a constant thirst to see things as He sees them. To understand the intimate as I’m led. To share the wisdom, knowledge and experience that I have within me. This is all a part of me aligning with Him. It’s not some quirky aspect of me. I was created this way. The passion and desires He has created me with have to rise up For Such A Time As This, especially in this current state of the World frenzy and hype that is not of God nor making sense when facts are checked from reliable sources.
Verse 7: “Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.”
Yip! Here’s the “snow” reference that prompted and resounded in my spirit with a happy dance and words of praise for snow in my physical world in mid-April after being in the 70s and putting plants outside.
Such goodness! God has been downloading insights and connecting me with trainings, certifications and even specific areas to become certified as a practitioner in His medicine from the leaves and how it impacts our whole being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Hyssop. I get my bottle of Hyssop essential oil. I pray over it. I smell it, inhaling it deeply. I anoint my head with it. I inhale it deeply again. I am led to put it on my chest. I grab my resources and look up its properties and uses:
Hyssop has been used medicinally for almost a millennium for its antiseptic properties. It has also been used for opening the respiratory system.
Its Medical properties include: mucolytic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, regulates lipid metabolism, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiparasitic.
Its uses: respiratory infections/congestion, parasites (expelling worms), viral infections and circulatory disorders.
Its fragrance influence is to stimulate creativity and meditation.
I dive in further to MY area of PASSION, the mental and emotional impact of the Hyssop essential oil. Hyssop is powerful against the world or enemy’s negative perspective of SWALLOWED EMOTIONS. Hyssop impacts us in a positive way allowing us to grow and develop and freedom in MOVEMENT. It helps open us up and raise our awareness. It empowers our creativity. It allows us to go deeper in our meditation. My heart is so contently full right now. Peace surrounds me. Yet I’m filled with anticipation and eagerness … yes, anticipation and eagerness to do what He is leading me to do. What I was thinking of postponing a week I am now excited to do and let Him lead no matter if it is just for me. (Yip He cares that much that He would do all this for even just me.)
Oh, my WOW! One of those For Such A Time As This Moments! We are currently in a world-wide health challenge that impacts the respiratory system and circulatory system. The media and reports, some of which are false and contradict other reports from the same source, are shutting people down into a place of bondage from the fear and frenzy that is being hyped and those that are aligning their mindset and spoken authority to open their lives to the devastation and destruction of losing faith and hope by believing in the world’s way of practicing healing and turning their back on God’s source of feeding our body what it needs to be able to do what it is designed to do – which is heal itself. Or worse yet, perishing from lack of wisdom because they do not listen to the Word nor research and learn the tools that He has given us for us to thrive. Time to spread some essence of Hyssop and break from the bondage of fear and swallowed emotions. Time to be purposeful in movement and creative in following His leading. He doesn’t tempt us nor does He fail us. When He asks us to do, He gives us all the tools we need to succeed. He is a good father who loves us to the point of the ultimate sacrifice.
Honestly, I am so full and content, I could totally just stop here as I know I have received what He has to share but I continue on to share other nuggets that will resound and hopefully cause you to dive in to what’s yours to take away from Psalm 51.
Verse 8: “Let me hear the sound of joy and gladness, so that the bones you crushed can rejoice.”
We must be willing to open our ears and self up to hear. Think about how many times someone is talking to you and your mind is focused on something else and you don’t hear the conversation you are involved in. Hearing is a choice!
Verses 10-13: Create in me a clean heart, God; renew in me a resolute spirit. Don’t thrust me away from your presence, don’t take your Ruach Kodesh/Holy Spirit away from me. Restore my joy in your salvation, and let a willing spirit uphold me. Then I will teach the wicked your ways, and sinners will return to you.
Can I WOW enough today?!?!? Create a clean heart and renew me a resolute spirit. Wow that’s like a total body inside and out wash and detail. When your vehicle is freshly washed, cleaned, vacuumed, wheels detailed, chrome shining, windows sparkling … you stand taller when you see your vehicle and definitely sit taller with confidence that shines from your face and stance when you are driving it. And if you use your essential oils to freshen the inside you even breath deeper. You and your vehicle catch the attention of others, especially those whose vehicle is not in a current state of clean and shiny detailed. Some even go wash and detail their vehicle because of the inspiration they got from you and yours. And THIS, this is one of the greatest ways to TEACH others. When you have a clean heart and a renewed resolute (definition: admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering) spirit YOUR LIFE and actions on an every day basis are the BEST way to TEACH. Gives the adage, “Watch and Learn” a whole deeper meaning. Yet it is so truthful. Think of how many times you have watched and learned from others. Well, accountability moment, others are watching and learning from you and how you are living your life at all times. Do you like what you are teaching?
Don’t worry if you don’t. Now that you are aware, you can repent and be rescued from any guilt or shame. And start from this moment on TEACHING with PURPOSE through living your life.
Verse 14&15: Rescue me from the guilt of shedding blood, God, God of my salvation! Then my tongue will sing about your righteousness – Adonai (God), open my lips; then my mouth will praise you.
Yip! Proof that repenting brings redemption and FREEDOM that you can’t keep quiet.
Verses 16 to 19 go on to say that God doesn’t want sacrifices. He wants you to bring your broken spirit to Him and allow him to clean and renew you. He takes pleasure in rebuilding and prospering you. He does not condemn you when you come for redemption. He PLEASURES in and with Joy-filled delight cleans and renews you to your Created Purpose from the inside out. Then He delights in your daily choices that are righteous sacrifices to Him.
Oh, my my my Wow! I am thriving in this “Nesting” time that we are in with the stay at home quarantine which is allowing us to take action to get cleaned and renewed for the birthing of this new season that we are preparing to step into.
I’m declaring and decreeing truth and wisdom in your inner most being that you may be cleaned and renewed during this period to be positioned and ready to run confidently, shining brightly for others to learn from your life in this new season of preparing for His coming. So Be It in Jesus’ name.
If you need prayer or encouragement, reach out! Click to contact me
Be Blessed!
Michelle Wendt