Welcome to my Day!
Today is all about Reflections as we prepare to go with our Christian Motorcycle Association group to Christmas Carol at a nursing home.
My thoughts have been all over today as memories of past caroling events and Christmas celebrations with loved ones (and those when all alone) and present and the future celebrations to come ... thus, my emotions have been stretched.
My heart, as I pray for the Nursing home residents, is heavy with love for those I have not met yet.
I ponder:
❤️Do they have friends and family near?
💚Have they outlived all their family and friends?
❤️Are they filled with happy memories?
💚Are they burdened with regrets?
❤️Will they get a Christmas blessing in form of a gift or card?
So I’m choosing to set aside my business and personal plans for today and make Christmas cards filled with love to pass out this evening as we carol so I know they have a reminder that they are LOVED during this Season.
Diffusing the Reflections blend to physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually transform the...
🥊Adrenal Exhaustion into STRENGTH
🥊Dizzy Busy into DIRECTION
🥊Worthlessness into APPROVAL
🥊Forget You attitude into DETACHED EMPOWERMENT
🥊Not wanting to be here into GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE
I am forever grateful and blessed to have a Life Giving Toolbox that always has the perfect support for where I am being stretched and grown each day.
What are you purposefully doing today to support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health so that you can Live your Life Purpose Fully, Blessings others and Being Blessed?