Gratitude & Dump - I AM day in the Garden For Such a Time As This

Gratitude & Dump  - I AM day in the Garden For Such a Time As This

Today my Gratitude and Dump session became an I AM session.   For those that know me, you know that was a stretch for me.  The joy of feeling and seeing my faith and belief growth just from my I AM statements that were written with confidence. Years of the enemy’s bondages have been broken in my life and I get to use my experience, knowledge and understanding of blessing of Freedom to help other others be delivered into their Freedom too.  My heart is full and overflowing with joy, love, and hope. 

Anointing oils for today include Peace & Calming, Pine, Citronella, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Globulus, Trauma Life and Patchouli.   I smelled them individually as I put them in the diffuser and applied to my body where I was led.  Some of them, well, I didn’t take such a deep breath of.   Others, oh my yum. However, as is always the case … with all of these in my ionic diffuser, the essence touches me from the top of my head all the way down to the bottoms of my feet and tips of my toes.  I can feel the renewal and rejuvenation of my cells and inner being.  I want to sit and savor the feeling while also being energized and excited to do what I am to do today.  What a great, positive feeling.  I am so grateful and highly favored and blessed with the life calling I was created for.  In walking and living it, every day is a glorious day, even those growth spurts that sometimes bring the groans and moans of praise.  


So, here’s the negative that the World is trying to burden and hold me down with: 

Addiction, Argumentiveness, Being a Victim, Depression, Indecisiveness, Control, Moodiness, Scared, Wishy washy, Failure, Fear of Dependence, Restriction, Rigidity, Bondage, Panic, Shut down. 


Glory to Glory, here’s the positive that I am being grown and expanded to new levels in:  

Freedom, Wanted, Loveable, Peace, Fair, Inner strength, Alive, Focus, Clarity, Balance, Content, Blessed, Stable, Safe, Still, Direction, Unfoldment, Identity, Growth, Mobility, Open to New, Amusement, See big picture, Like self, Tranquility, Creative, Vibrantly Alive.  


I am ever grateful for the tools I have learned and am continually learning to build up and edify my ability to walk in my greatest good for me at this time.  As always, my special Garden of Eden that these essential oil tools form For my Such A Time As This uplift, encourage and motivate me to stand boldly and courageously doing what my day holds.  Having the awareness of the enemy’s plans of bondage empower me to see it when its coming and immediately bind the negative and walk in the positive to grow and expand to new levels each moment of my day.  

Here's a few of my Dump Session I AM's: 

I am capable.

I am worthy.

I am loved.

I am redeemed.

I am blessed.

I am highly favored.

For me … It is an amazing I AM day today!!!


So, what tool or tools are you pulling out to do maintenance and fortify you For your Such A Time As This day today?  

I adore it when you share. It allows me to celebrate with you, encourage you and cover with thanksgiving and praise as you do you to a new level.  

I am ever passionate about Standing The Gap from where you are to where you can and want to be.  (Trust me, it is the sweetest place to be.) 

Be Blessed! 

Weekend Events Rocket Monday Insights

Weekend Events Rocket Monday Insights

Click here for Michelle's Daily Insights Video  or go to


Today's Diving Board: Weekend Life Events


Today’s For Such A Time as This Garden of Eden:  


Essence:  Eucalyptus Blue, Lime, Gentle Baby, Thyme, Present Time, Eucalyptus Globulus, Citronella, Fennel

Emotional & Mental Support:  


Overcomes Negative Perspective –  Froze, Suppressed Emotion, Belittled, Unmotivated, No Protection, Flustered, Illusion, Loss, Malice, Repressed or Stuffed Emotions, Resistance to Change, Taken for Granted, Wishy Washy


Promotes Positive Growth Perspective –  Vital, Move with Ease, Protected, Recognized, Focused, Responsive, Secure, My Spiritual Connection Protects me, Present, Clarity, Gain, Benevolence, Speak out, Wanted and Lovable, Honored, Direction 


Wow! What a day.  I awake with a heaviness on my heart and well, God shows up.  He used the events of the weekend to ground me, affirm me, empower me.  (Watch the above video.)  How can I be so blessed?!?!?!  I share my heart and life with you.  Keeping it real.  


I am ever grateful for His Such A Time As This Garden of Eden* today during my study time to support my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being as I am being challenged and stretched  during my time of study.  I am grateful for these declarations to stand on in preparing for and during the midst of the battle.    


I know, I say this every time, some would say its "random" selection but I know who leads me and prepares my daily Garden for me to walk with Him in.  My heart is so filled with joy at almost how much I am loved and trusted to do what He is leading me to do.  I am humbled at the care He took in creating the emotional and mental growth support for today.  It was as always … spot on with where I am walking in life today.  


Thank you for honoring me with your time.  Besides following my Standing The Gap blog, subscribing to my Standing The Gap YouTube channel, attending a class or retreat, purchasing written materials, your purchase of any of the above essential oils from myself or one of our Be Healthy His Way Associates helps support our family business which helps support my being able to freely walk in my purposed calling in SEEING (Supporting, Educating, Empowering, Inspiring, Nurturing and Growing) others.  


Blessings to You!


Schedule Appointment:  (Prayer Sessions are always FREE!)


Oil Information/Connection:


Smart Spectrum CBD:  (Solution for people who want the health but need to 100% pass a drug test.)

#STANDGINGTHEGAP #DoWithAHeartOfLove #ForSuchATimeAsThis #WeekendEventsInsights #MondayRocks

Michelle's Daily Insight - Colossians 3:8

Michelle's Daily Insight - Colossians 3:8

Click here for Michelle's Daily Insights Video  or go to


Today's Diving Board:  Colossians 3:8 WEB


Today’s For Such A Time as This Garden of Eden:  


Essence:  Clarity, Acceptance, Geranium, Citronella, Citrus Fresh, Spearmint, Hinoki, Mastrante, Rose, GeneYus, Lemon Myrtle, Patchouli, Eucalyptus Radiata, Peppermint


Emotional & Mental Support:  


Overcomes Negative Perspective –  Emotional stress, Guilt, Repression, Don’t belong, Embarrassed, Insecurity, Misperception, Sorrow, Self-centered, Wanting to please, Lazy, Incapacitated, Disintegrated, Fear of Intimacy, Apathy, Brain fog, Procrastination, Physical stress, Failure, Fear of Dependence, Restriction, Rigidity


Promotes Positive Growth Perspective – Harmony, Deserve what get, Learn from experiences, Creativity, New perspective, Acceptance, Self value, Embraced, Success, Understanding, Peace, Balance, Respect, Detachment, Direction, Focus, Being alive, Initiative, Motivated, Empowered, Centered, Unity, Wholeness, Trust, Enthusiasm, Awareness, Come together, Action, Creative, Vibrantly alive, Fun, Unfoldment, Growth, Freedom, Mobility, Open to new, Amusement, Big picture


Don’t you just adore how when you seek where to go, that it takes you to a place in scripture that was written well before your time … but is just like it is written for exactly where you are at right now, today?  

Well, today is one of those days.  I’ve read this verse many times but today I had such an intense desire to dig in and dive deeper to see what was mine to get FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.   Sometimes, it just feels like a two-by-four right between the eyes.  Looking up the meaning of the words and the synonyms pulled it straight into and out of my gut.  Can you say “sucker punch”?  Before today I would have said that I have rarely if ever had anger, wrath or malice … BUT GOD …  It’s so easy to take a word at the meaning that you define it as in your head that fits with your life and keeps things comfortable and honorable.  However, progress does not come without refinement.   Refinement without the fire of truth.   I am ever grateful for the refiner’s fire.  I’m thankful to be refined and deal with this now rather than later.  To receive and live with my blessings now rather than never.   


I am ever grateful for His Garden of Eden* today during my study time to support my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being as I am being challenged and stretched  during my time of study For Such A Time As This.  I am grateful for these declarations to stand on in preparing for and during the midst of the battle.    


I know, I say this almost every time, some would say its "random" selection but I know who leads me and prepares my daily Garden for me to walk with Him in.  My heart is so filled with joy at how much I am loved and trusted to do what He is leading me to do.  I am humbled at the care He took in creating the emotional and mental growth support for today.  It was as always … spot on with where I am walking in life today.  


Thank you for honoring me with your time.  Besides following my Standing The Gap blog, subscribing to my Standing The Gap YouTube channel, attending a class or retreat, purchasing written materials, your purchase of any of the above essential oils from myself or one of our Be Healthy His Way Associates helps support our family business which helps support my being able to freely walk in my purposed calling in SEEING (Supporting, Educating, Empowering, Inspiring, Nurturing and Growing) others.  


Blessings to You!


Oil Information/Connection:


Smart Spectrum CBD:  (Solution for people who want the health but need to 100% pass a drug test.)