Fall Cleansing - Fruits and Veggies - Chocolate!?!

Fall Cleansing - Fruits and Veggies - Chocolate!?!

It’s fall season change so time for the fall cleanse. Every cleanse brings an accountability check and re-focus.

I am re-focusing on our nutritional input. Told my husband, Randy Wendt, we needed to focus on adding more fruits and veggies to our daily eats and less meat.

Got the 😳 response then he said ... with a big 😁 ... he would definitely be willing to drink an extra or even two! of our yummy packet of fruits and veggies antioxidant “cover all the nutrient needs you might not get In your food today” drink.

He even added as a reminder ... like I needed it but I’m glad he’s knows ... that it also helps with his extra protein his body type needs to maintain health. (Got to 💜 this man that proves he does listen to me when I’m teaching.)

I laughed and told him I was thinking the farmers market type of food shift but am totally on board with the increase in what I call my "miracle juice".

My friend Heather DeJong posted this picture today and I’m like ... this, THIS will make my husband Randy Wendt very happy to consume as part of his plant food nutrients!

He is my major chocolate adorer! He even puts chocolate almond milk with his chocolate protein drink. 😛 Yummy to him but too chocolate for me! 😎

What are you doing to support the season change?

Chocolate protein Fall cleanse Blessing Michelle Wendt Standing The Gap Be Healthy His Way Living Your Greatest You Mindset Matters

Grapefruit Vitality Essential Oil Drug Interaction Info

Grapefruit Vitality Essential Oil Drug Interaction Info
Thanks to all who have been asking about grapefruit essential oil and RX medication interaction.  Here’s the link to Lindsey’s  science explanation as a pharmacist.  (Remember not all essential oils are created the same so I am only speaking to the Young Living seed to seal oils and oil infused products.). 

So in response to your inquiries and after Lindsey’s detail explanation ... Yes, you can put the GRAS Young Living grapefruit (since the enzyme you need to avoid for the RX is not in the rind where the essential oil is extracted from)  or other citrus vitality oils in your water or capsules daily.  The results physically externally, internally, mentally and emotionally are outstanding!  We’d love to hear your journey and keep us posted as the impact keeps on giving.  

For those choosing to add just a 1-2 drops  of grapefruit vitality essential oil to your water or in a capsule ... I highly recommend you check your budget line for clothing expense and add to it so you are well prepared for replacing what falls off of you when your body releases what’s been stored up on the inside.  😁

Also, i highly recommend that you are going through our Be Healthy His Way Emo Fit  routinely to also release the emotional side of why you were retaining what you were in the flesh.  

Have I stated how much I adore this simplified healthy lifestyle and living life with grace and ease?!?!  

I ADORE living The Blessed Life and being a part of the BeHealthyHisWay.com Associates!  My passion just overflows!

I’m here to share, support and encourage you ... just reach out and connect with me.  

Honored to be Standing The Gap from where you ARE to where you CAN and WANT to BE!  

Be Blessed!

Here’s the link to Lindsey’s explanation: 

Grapefruit, Emotional Release, Drug Interactions, Weight Support, Essential Oil, Young Living, Standing The Gap, Be Healthy His WAy, Emo Fit Protocol,