I called Poison Control

I called Poison Control
You know I'm passionate about Standing The Gap and giving you information and resources to help you be your own BEST LIFE ADVOCATE.  Well here you go ...

Disclaimer: I have not read her book yet, but this information is solid. 

Have you seen this great post yet from Carrie Liebich?....

“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.

Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)

He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?

Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me?

He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal...

Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely...

He: WHAT?!

Your conclusion?

The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...”

~ By Iris Figueroa 🍃♥️🍃

INGREDIENTS TO VACCINES - You CANNOT make an educated decision without being educated.

Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients.
These are being INJECTED into your kids;

Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.

Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.

Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.

Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.

Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism.

Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.

Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.

Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.

Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.

African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.

Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.

E.Coli - Yes, you read that right.

DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1

Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)

You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website. I encourage everyone to do their own research. Look up the MSDS on these chemicals. Read the thousands of peer reviewed studies that have evaluated the biological consequences these chemicals can have on the body, especially when being injected.

Fact check vaccine ingredients here:

#educatebeforeyouvaccinate #injectionisdifferentthaningestion #learntherisks #informedconsent

Animal blood in vaccines

Food in vaccines, like peanut oil etc shows it causes food allergies

Vaccine Guide

Credit: Iris Figueroa is the brave soul who called poison control. I have researched all of this. Chapter 10 in my book Victorious Mother.

Please set aside 30 minutes to look up vaccine ingredients. If you already have a copy of my book, start on page 230 and pay close attention to the chart on page 233.

Infant deaths have DROPPED 30 PERCENT since covid began? Why? Because “well baby checks” are vaccine 💉 appointments and those aren’t taking place right now.

👉🏼Post credit goes to Carrie Liebich, thanks for this mind expanding info.

Oh my Juniper! From Suppression to Harmony. My Kidney’s adore you!

You know it’s a great day when you discover what’s on your heart to share about is also on the heart and minds of others!  

Here’s the Standing The Gap KISS education link to the Oily Emotions Series on Juniper!


I was greatly blessed to see that Debra’s heart was being lead down the same path as well as Dr Mike Buch!  

Here’s their info to add to our Juniper essential oil education!  

Debra Raybern shared this with me today:  

I apply juniper over the kidney area, by placing a drop on the back of the hand and then around to the kidney. Can be used on kidney reflex points as well. Feel more energized, less cold in your extremities, especially the feet. This is one I keep in stock for all its possibilities.

And here’s Dr Buch’s green science post!


But wait there’s more!  

Here’s from Young Living website:

The earthy, woodsy aroma of Juniper creates a peaceful atmosphere when diffused.

How to Use
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ or olive oil and apply to desired area as needed.

Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily


Suppressed Harmony Acupressure StandingTheGap BeHealthyHisWay Auricular Emotional support Kidney health support Vitaflex STG KISS Education

Grapefruit Vitality Essential Oil Drug Interaction Info

Grapefruit Vitality Essential Oil Drug Interaction Info
Thanks to all who have been asking about grapefruit essential oil and RX medication interaction.  Here’s the link to Lindsey’s  science explanation as a pharmacist.  (Remember not all essential oils are created the same so I am only speaking to the Young Living seed to seal oils and oil infused products.). 

So in response to your inquiries and after Lindsey’s detail explanation ... Yes, you can put the GRAS Young Living grapefruit (since the enzyme you need to avoid for the RX is not in the rind where the essential oil is extracted from)  or other citrus vitality oils in your water or capsules daily.  The results physically externally, internally, mentally and emotionally are outstanding!  We’d love to hear your journey and keep us posted as the impact keeps on giving.  

For those choosing to add just a 1-2 drops  of grapefruit vitality essential oil to your water or in a capsule ... I highly recommend you check your budget line for clothing expense and add to it so you are well prepared for replacing what falls off of you when your body releases what’s been stored up on the inside.  😁

Also, i highly recommend that you are going through our Be Healthy His Way Emo Fit  routinely to also release the emotional side of why you were retaining what you were in the flesh.  

Have I stated how much I adore this simplified healthy lifestyle and living life with grace and ease?!?!  

I ADORE living The Blessed Life and being a part of the BeHealthyHisWay.com Associates!  My passion just overflows!

I’m here to share, support and encourage you ... just reach out and connect with me.  

Honored to be Standing The Gap from where you ARE to where you CAN and WANT to BE!  

Be Blessed!

Here’s the link to Lindsey’s explanation: 

Grapefruit, Emotional Release, Drug Interactions, Weight Support, Essential Oil, Young Living, Standing The Gap, Be Healthy His WAy, Emo Fit Protocol,