Michelle's Anointing Oils today: Magnify Your Purpose
This morning when I went into my quiet time, I was led to the book of Habakkuk.
I went with wonder as this is one of those “little” books of the Bible that aren’t frequented as much as some of the others. Yes, I have been there before, but my mind was open and looking for what I was to receive today For Such A Time As This insight.
Well, as always, I was expanded and encouraged.
The purpose of this book: To show that God is still in control of the world despite the apparent triumph of evil.
It was written by the Prophet Habakkuk between 612 and 588 B.C.
During this time Babylon was becoming the dominant world power and Judah would soon feel Babylon’s destructive force.
Judah’s last four kings were wicked men who rejected God and oppressed their own people. Babylon invaded Judah twice before finally destroying it in 586. It was a time of fear, oppression, persecution, lawlessness, and immorality.
Hmmm, sound like a similar scenario?
Habakkuk couldn’t understand why God seemed to do nothing about the wickedness in society. Then he realized that faith in God alone would supply the answers to his questions.
We have the same spirit of faith as Prophet Habakkuk. Where are we choosing to put our faith?
Instead of questioning the ways of God, we should know that we can trust His ways. He loves us and promised to never leave us, to cover us, to supply our needs, to give us the desires of our heart. We should realize that God is totally just, and we should have faith that he is in control and that one day evil will be utterly destroyed.
In the meantime, we need to trust Him and do our part. We were created with a purpose, a calling on our life. No one can do what we were specifically created to do. Only we can fulfill our role and purpose. He can get things done without us, but do we really want to miss out on the joy and blessing of being outside of his will?
Here are some ponder points:
- Is what I am doing continuing Jesus ministry that he started while on earth for us to continue?
- Am I stewarding and shepherding to my greatest ability?
- Do I have my vision written down and posted where I can see? (Check out the vision resource area at StandingTheGap.com under the Life Advocate Toolbox Resource section.)
- Am I walking in my life calling and purpose or am I interfering by trying to walk in someone else’s and coming in second best?
- Is the way I am living my day to day life strengthening and encouraging others or depleting and weakening others?
As always, I share from the love of my heart. I am passionate about Standing The Gap from where you are to where you can and want to be.
Be Blessed!