Discernment - Got it?

Discernment - Got it?
Question:  Have you ever been in a place or around people where you were uncomfortable? Do you avoid crowds or specific places or events? 

Last week In our Thursday Prayer group, Bob brought up the gift if discernment. 

This morning I get this insight:  

I believe we all have it in some degree.  The places or events that make you uncomfortable are often because of discernment that you have that the enemy attacks because you don’t recognize you have the gift of discernment, don’t know how to walk in the gift of discernment or need to physically and emotionally strengthen yourself to be better able to walk in and grow in the gift of discernment.  

Jennifer Eivaz brought up some interesting information in her sharing her experience with the gift as a new believer who was unaware of it.   

Here’s a link if you want to listen:

In the past I did sessions with spoken affirmations to build ourselves mentally and emotionally.  Thinking I am going to be walking through then again with myself as a wellness check. Let me know if you want to join in with me. 

I adore how God brings things into our awareness when we don’t value or put feet to the insights He gives us of steps to take in the stillness of our time with Him.  

Oh how much further we would be in our growth if we got it and took action immediately in the spiritual realm instead of having to go through the emotional then mental to get to the final physical realm of “get it or be done”.  

Blessings to you! 

Goodbyes & Ruby bring hard insights.

Goodbyes & Ruby bring hard insights.

Today was one of those days you know is coming but are never ready for.  

Today we got to put our sweet Ruby down after blessing our family for 8 years.

Ruby was small but she was mighty, bossing even the biggest around with her sassy attitude.  

They told us she’d maybe live 6 months due to health conditions when we adopted her.  She took her sweet time picking which 6 they were going to be and lived the 8+ years that she did fully. 

Today was yet another reminder that what others say … doesn’t impact you, unless you choose to come into agreement and let it. 

So what do you need to break agreement with and start living your life fully?

Identity and Direction

Identity and Direction
I was blessed to get to send my husband and my oldest son off on a ministry work trip.  
It was a precious time as I had just got back from being away doing personal, ministry and business. Mine started as a 4 day trip and ended as an 18 day trip. You can read about it in a previous posts. This one is one week for my son and unknown for my husband. (Be strong my heart!) 

I gave my earthly, heart throb husband of mine notice that I might experience occasional “sensitive” moments while he was gone. I explained that we hadn’t gotten time together in the few hours we’ve had together to connect as my heart desired. So notice given for any tears and emotions from any and every aspect that may be experienced without any other given notice. 

With my husband’s contract that he was on, (Yes, I said ‘was’ as his contract ended and he took a lay off Friday.) he gets up at 3:30ish am and after 27 years I am well trained and experienced to not interfere with his morning routine. Everyone is happier that way. When he gets home from work he has approximately 2-1/2 hours to eat, prepare his stuff for the next day and whatever else needs done that he can fit in before going to rest and renew for the next day. So time with him is little and precious but generally filled with life demands. 

Not knowing I was going to be gone for an extended time, we had commitments we had made that took up the brief evening time and alas no time for solely us to connect, catch up & share experiences and insights. 

So I found my self excited.

Excited that they were going. 
Excited with all they are going to do. 
Excited they were going to have time together and make memories.  
Excited with all I was going to be able to focus on with them gone. 

But also yearning for more. 

Yearning for more because we had not planned our time and energy as well as we could have. 

Yearning because we felt need to reach out and do for others to support them over taking the time for us. 

Yearning because I love and cherish the time with my husband who really is my earthly heart throb who even after 27 years takes my breath away when I see him in a distance.  (It was a great feeling when I was waiting at the airport for him to pick me up with excitement and anticipation like a school girl with a crush.) 

And I am flooded with emotions as insight flows. 

We are created in God’s image. 

We experience His emotions in a minute amount based on our personal relationship with him. The closer we are, the more we know and share with Him. 

My yearning for time with my husband due to “to busy” or “responsibilities” is a direct reflection of how God feels about me/us and the time, energy and attention we give Him.

He created us for His pleasure.
He created us and crafted a perfect Garden of Eden for our pleasure and desires to spend time with us in … and we get distracted by the serpent and end up missing out on the goodness and glory we had by chasing after something of lesser value and pleasure. 

With the spoken against our family diagnosis giving only 2-3 months to live came an accountability check of where we were, what we had done, what we hadn’t and what was important.  It came up more in the lacking side than on the well done side.  

Which makes me even more sensitive that we still have development needs to balance our life and make sure all important things are covered and not missed by good deeds or others expectations that generally serve a fleeting moment.  

Even with the reality and accountability check of life being short (praising the 2-3 months is now counting 23 months!) … I find myself still coming up grossly lacking in investing my time and energy into what is important to me, my relationship with God, my family.  Into what I am called and Biblically promised I can and am to do.  And my heart is heavy.  

So again, I renew my focus on knowing my YES is a YES and all else is a NO until I know differently.  

I must seek His wisdom and guidance from a very open and sensitive position by seeking revelation of why I am doing what I am doing and is it aligned with what I am suppose to be doing or am I: 

-jumping hoops to please others over God?

-doing busy work to avoid hard or scary stuff?

-lost in my identity and wondering aimlessly doing other people’s good deeds? 

-unfocused and not listening to and following my Divine GPS (God Positioning System) which is 100% accurate in arriving at my destination? 

I’m very creative and good so the list goes on and on even as I shorten it daily in my quest to better my life and relationship with God, family and friends. 

My heart desire is to live this life I’ve been blessed with well which involves loving God and my family and serving them well.  Which means I have to intimately know God and embrace my identity as He says I am. 

Time for me to stand in my authority.
Time to be confident and bold. 

So Action time for you! 

Are you living your best life to have little to no regrets whenever your final breath comes? 


Are you a pinball being bounced around and shot in different directions depending on what bumpers or obstacles or people you encounter in your life? 

Share below! 

What’s one action step you are going to take today to reclaim your time and energy that is being used other than where it can best be used?  

I want to celebrate and encourage you.  

I am passionate about standing the gap from where you are to where you can and want to be.  

Be blessed! 


Open Gates! Who’s venturing the blessings with me?

Open Gates!   Who’s venturing the blessings with me?
Have you ever read a Word and said, “That’s mine!”?

From the bondages of past events and bondages both generational and from my own choices I have first hand experience renouncing, rebuking, and breaking strongholds and spiritual bondages.  

Are you like me and you KNOW Fear has no place in your life other than Fearing being out of seamless relationship with God? Yet you still put self-limitations in place or struggle to take the first step you are being led by Holy Spirit to take? 

His Word tells us that when we do our part it opens the Heavens or door for His part to flow. He knows our heart and there’s nothing we can do that He can’t fix.  That doesn’t give us the okay to go do whatever and break whatever laws we can. Even though He can fix it and bring victory in all things, we still have to stand accountable and walk the consequences of our choices.  When we walk in alignment with God’s will they are good consequences.  When we walk outside of id against God’s will they are negative consequences. 

One of the first things I do with when I get a new client is to walk through a session of liking and loving self. Often we can believe and receive it for someone else but not ourselves.  This all boils down to how we see ourselves, our value, our worth, our identity.  

It’s important that we like and live ourselves to be able to receive the blessings from above as well as to be able to like and love others as we are called to.  

I was excited to read this word Lana shared and am in agreement with it.  Please share in the comments below your take away from it. 

Here’s her word.  And as always … Be blessed! 


By Lana Vawser Ministries on Oct 02, 2022 09:35 pm

I heard the Lord say:

The sense surrounded me that the things that the enemy has held back, the things that the enemy has worked hard to keep God’s people from, from their place of victory, the Lord is now exposing those areas.

There is a significant breakthrough taking place right now, a significant acceleration and momentum of breakthrough VICTORY that is upon you.

The areas where the enemy has attempted to keep you from the victory that is yours in Christ is now being dismantled. The Lord is showing Himself strong, as your great defender, and you will rise again victorious.

Do NOT shrink back, the enemy is doing all he can to keep you caged and keep you from the place of manifested victory, but these attacks are now being disarmed and dismantled.

The Lord is releasing specific strategy and divine wisdom in how to combat the attack that is coming against you, and move further into the victory that is already yours in Christ.

The reason the battle is SO strong and has been so strong is because of the MAGNITUDE of breakthrough victory that is upon you.

You are moving further into your land of victory! Do not shrink back, do not cower in fear, but STAND. Now is the time to stand.

Ephesians 6:10-13:
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

The gates of victory are now opening over your life, over your family, over cities and nations.

Many of you are on the brink of the greatest victory that you have ever seen in your life.


As the gates of victory swing wide open in your life releasing the breakthrough and triumph of Christ in your life in greater ways than you have seen, I saw a NEW SUDDEN BIRTHING taking place.

There will be a SUDDEN birthing of what God has placed within you and set up FOR YOU take place. The battle has been so much for the seed of destiny and breakthrough that the Lord has placed within you and destined for you. There is a greater manifestation of the abundant life that was given to you in Christ Jesus (John 10:10) that is going to burst forth in greater ways in your life. There is a great awakening of life and resurrection power that is being released in your life.


I had a vision and I saw Jesus standing over every area in your life that you are believing to see the breakthrough and victory of Christ manifest in your life.

I saw Him standing over those places and the atmosphere was so pregnant with the truth of the Gospel, that Jesus is Lord and the sense of the victory of Christ and all things that are out of alignment with what He is saying and has decreed, bowing to the name of Jesus Christ.

As I was watching this vision I saw Jesus’ blood pouring out all over these areas that need breakthrough victory and He spoke:

“I paid for this! YOU WON and YOU WIN!!!”

I saw the words “YOU WON and YOU WIN” being written over every circumstance and every situation in His blood.

These things will be OVERCOME by the power of the blood of Jesus.
They conquered him completely
through the blood of the Lamb
and the powerful word of his testimony. – Revelation 12:11 (The Passion Translation)

Taking communion is CRUCIAL right now, and I want to remind you of that again. Taking communion is a VITAL KEY to breakthrough and seeing the manifested victory of Jesus in your life, right now.


I heard the Lord say:

“I will show you what I have written over your life”

The enemy has been working so hard with fear, intimidation, mind fogginess, confusion and discouragement to keep you from “seeing” and “hearing” clearly, what the Lord is saying right now.

The Lord is going to show you what He has written in the book of destiny over your life and your family. In the battle many of you have been having with fear and other things, the Lord will continue to reveal and speak His truth and destiny over your life.

The fogginess and the smokescreens will begin to clear and you will see with greater vision and insight the plans of God for your life and your families life in the new season we are in.


I heard the Lord say:

“You will write about this. You will write about this victory” and I saw the scribe anointing falling HEAVILY upon many of you. What you are walking through now, the battles that you have been fighting, YOU WILL WRITE ABOUT THIS.

There are new books, songs, writings being birthed within you RIGHT NOW as you walk through this battle that you will write about. The treasures, the wisdom, the insights that you are receiving from the Lord in this time, you will write about these things and many will be encouraged, receive great impartations and breakthrough’s from the huge breaker anointing that will rest upon these books.


The Lord showed me that through these attacks many of you have been facing, the enemy is working hard to keep you caged.

The Lord spoke to me:
“The enemy has tried to cage many, but I am now releasing greater favour upon them”

Watch for a significant increase of favour. Watch for significant promotions and the Lord opening doors you could never have dreamed of. It will be so clear why the enemy has been trying so hard to cage you as the Lord continues to open great and mighty effectual doors and place greater favour upon you.

It’s not a place of trying to make anything happen or striving, but being in the rest of God and surrendered to Him and watch HIM set things up, open doors and opportunities and strategically place you in places you could never have placed yourself in.

A foreboding spirit of fear has been attacking many of you about the future, but the Lord is decreeing “Get your hopes up for there are mighty and wonderful surprises upon you. 

This is the season of DIVINE SUDDENLIES!! You are in your turnaround place. Watch MANY things shift and change overnight!!! My plans for you are GOOD and to prosper you and not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

“I am doing what only I can do!!!!!!! Fear has tried to squash and cage you, but My power will ASTONISH YOU!!!”

Aunt Chelle, Why … Insights from the Littles in my life!

Aunt Chelle, Why …   Insights from the Littles in my life!

I adore insights, ponder points & accountability checks. 

Well, maybe not so much the accountability checks but they are a necessary part of positive growth. 

As I see my husband and oldest son off the Kansas to do some work on our ministry base facility as well as ministry and hopefully business building, my heart is full of memories from my recent trip. 

I’m excited to see pictures and hear stories from my guys time on the journey and especially to see how our great nieces are going to wrap Uncle Randy around their little lives like their momma and her sister did.  

My heart desires to get to go with them but it also is excited at all I get to do here while they are away. 


share below someone or an incident that has helped you see positive growth in yourself or bring awareness of an area you are shining in.  

3,2,1 … Go! 


Insights, Tips & Ponder Points with Michelle Wendt   www.StandingTheGap.com 

Thanks for watching and subscribing to my channel.  If you have questions or would like info or insights on specific things … message me! 

I adore assisting however I can … even if it’s coming up with my off the cuff, quirky thoughts, experiences and/or insights that are sparked from your inquiry.  

It takes a community to make this world a better place and your involvement is important.  

Here’s ways to connect & support my ministry & business: 

Donate via Zelle:  Michelle Wendt 8167281080
Donate via Cash app: $STGAP
Donate via PayPal:  1111STGap@gmail.com
Donate via Venmo:  @OilyBikersLife

Shop my E-commerce wellness store:

Here’s the link to my click and order e-store: 
($10/year gets you wholesale pricing on all products as a Preferred Customer … best deal unless you want the franchise option for earning income to pay your bills and extras.) 


Thanks again for your support of my personal business, my ministry and all the lives you join in helping me encourage and bless. 

Be Blessed! 

Michelle Wendt
IG: Michelle_Wendt_Official

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