Michelle's Daily Insight - Colossians 3:8

Michelle's Daily Insight - Colossians 3:8

Click here for Michelle's Daily Insights Video  or go to https://youtu.be/FbBUBOxh_Fk


Today's Diving Board:  Colossians 3:8 WEB


Today’s For Such A Time as This Garden of Eden:  


Essence:  Clarity, Acceptance, Geranium, Citronella, Citrus Fresh, Spearmint, Hinoki, Mastrante, Rose, GeneYus, Lemon Myrtle, Patchouli, Eucalyptus Radiata, Peppermint


Emotional & Mental Support:  


Overcomes Negative Perspective –  Emotional stress, Guilt, Repression, Don’t belong, Embarrassed, Insecurity, Misperception, Sorrow, Self-centered, Wanting to please, Lazy, Incapacitated, Disintegrated, Fear of Intimacy, Apathy, Brain fog, Procrastination, Physical stress, Failure, Fear of Dependence, Restriction, Rigidity


Promotes Positive Growth Perspective – Harmony, Deserve what get, Learn from experiences, Creativity, New perspective, Acceptance, Self value, Embraced, Success, Understanding, Peace, Balance, Respect, Detachment, Direction, Focus, Being alive, Initiative, Motivated, Empowered, Centered, Unity, Wholeness, Trust, Enthusiasm, Awareness, Come together, Action, Creative, Vibrantly alive, Fun, Unfoldment, Growth, Freedom, Mobility, Open to new, Amusement, Big picture


Don’t you just adore how when you seek where to go, that it takes you to a place in scripture that was written well before your time … but is just like it is written for exactly where you are at right now, today?  

Well, today is one of those days.  I’ve read this verse many times but today I had such an intense desire to dig in and dive deeper to see what was mine to get FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.   Sometimes, it just feels like a two-by-four right between the eyes.  Looking up the meaning of the words and the synonyms pulled it straight into and out of my gut.  Can you say “sucker punch”?  Before today I would have said that I have rarely if ever had anger, wrath or malice … BUT GOD …  It’s so easy to take a word at the meaning that you define it as in your head that fits with your life and keeps things comfortable and honorable.  However, progress does not come without refinement.   Refinement without the fire of truth.   I am ever grateful for the refiner’s fire.  I’m thankful to be refined and deal with this now rather than later.  To receive and live with my blessings now rather than never.   


I am ever grateful for His Garden of Eden* today during my study time to support my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being as I am being challenged and stretched  during my time of study For Such A Time As This.  I am grateful for these declarations to stand on in preparing for and during the midst of the battle.    


I know, I say this almost every time, some would say its "random" selection but I know who leads me and prepares my daily Garden for me to walk with Him in.  My heart is so filled with joy at how much I am loved and trusted to do what He is leading me to do.  I am humbled at the care He took in creating the emotional and mental growth support for today.  It was as always … spot on with where I am walking in life today.  


Thank you for honoring me with your time.  Besides following my Standing The Gap blog, subscribing to my Standing The Gap YouTube channel, attending a class or retreat, purchasing written materials, your purchase of any of the above essential oils from myself or one of our Be Healthy His Way Associates helps support our family business which helps support my being able to freely walk in my purposed calling in SEEING (Supporting, Educating, Empowering, Inspiring, Nurturing and Growing) others.  


Blessings to You!


Oil Information/Connection:



Smart Spectrum CBD:  (Solution for people who want the health but need to 100% pass a drug test.)


Michelle's Daily Insights - Battle Against Your Enemies

Click here for Michelle's Daily Insights Video  or go to  https://youtu.be/jbj0jjgzrQg


Today's Diving Board:  Deuteronomy 20:1 WEB


Today’s Garden of Eden:  


Essence:  Fennel, Clarity™, Oola Grow™, Eucalyptus Blue, Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Globulus, Myrrh


Emotional & Mental Support:  


Overcomes Negative Perspective –  Emotional Stress, Guilt, Repression, Frozen, Suppressed Emotions, Bondage, Physical Stress, Fear of Facing the World, Difficulty


Promotes Positive Growth Perspective – Harmony, Deserve what get, Learn from experiences, Creativity, New Perspective, Vital, Move with ease, Protected, Freedom, Like Self, Fun, Embracing the World, Safe, Knowing, Movement in Life  


Wow!  Last night our neighbors had an intense battle that had me praying a safety covering over all and my husband out in the below freezing weather being Jesus skin on offering a jacket and releasing peace into the atmosphere.  Then today, my heart is for speaking a blessing over you and Deuteronomy 20:1 was the scripture put on my heart to base it on.  Does it get any better than this?  I adore following the leading of the Holy Spirit as it is NEVER wrong and always what I need For Such A Time As This that I am currently walking in at that moment.  I am grateful I can stand firm on His promises and say, “NOT TODAY SATAN!”.  


I am ever grateful for His Garden of Eden* today during my study time to support my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being as I am being challenged and stretched  during my time of study For Such A Time As This.  I am grateful for these declarations to stand on in preparing for and during the midst of the battle.    


I know, I say this almost every time, some would say its "random" selection but I know who leads me and prepares my daily Garden for me to walk with Him in.  My heart is so filled with joy at how much I am loved and trusted to do what He is leading me to do.  I am humbled at the care He took in creating the emotional and mental growth support for today.  It was as always … spot on with where I am walking in life today.  


Thank you for honoring me with your time.  Besides following my Standing The Gap blog, subscribing to my Standing The Gap YouTube channel, attending a class or retreat, purchasing written materials, your purchase of any of the above essential oils from myself or one of our Be Healthy His Way Associates helps support our family business which helps support my being able to freely walk in my purposed calling in SEEING (Supporting, Educating, Empowering, Inspiring, Nurturing and Growing) others.  


Bold Blessings to You!



Michelle's Daily Insight - Please Fragrance

Click here for Michelle's Daily Insights Video  or go to https://youtu.be/l8sC6jMkGEI


Today's Diving Board:  Ephesians 5:1-2; John 6:60-67; Jeremiah 1:7-10, 17-19


Today’s Garden of Eden:  


Essence:  Jade Lemon, Aromaease, Into The Future, Dill, Live Your Passion, Ginger, RC


Emotional & Mental Support:  


Overcomes Negative Perspective –  Limited, Outrage, Lack, Depletion


Promotes Positive Growth Perspective – Liberation, Willing to Change, Regard, Self-Sufficient, Faith, Trust, Rejuvenated, Self-care


No matter what I do, read, watch, listen to … I am being fed to support and encourage me on my journey.  We relocated to Espanola NM last week so this Sunday Randy (that’s my awesome warrior husband of soon to be 25 years if you don’t already know) and I felt led to check out New Creation in Christ Church in Espanola NM.  


How’d we come to that decision? We formed a committee of two (Randy and I), incorporated some food (McDonald’s as we were on a limited time frame), prayed asking for direction, consulted resources (google), three churches stood out to us so we visited their websites and/or Facebook pages (learned the value and need for clear, precise communication via internet) and then the final decision was made … based on being able to get to one church well before start time.   BIG GRIN  


And He did it again!  I’m pretty sure we are pretty entertaining to God and thankfully bring him Joy (well it says we are His joy in scripture and I find the journey quite humorous at times.).   He allowed us to do what we needed to do to get to where He already had planned for us to be and met us there in a great big way.  When on the road and moving frequently you have got to be well grounded in relationship but the like-minded fellowship still is yearned for and needed.  As always, the connection was just what I needed.  The heart passion of the worship team, pastor and congregation and teaching from the Word … spot on and refreshing.  Just what my inner being was desiring.  


The Garden of Eden* essence today during my study time supports my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being as I am continuing to be in a refining, renewing, reviving process For Such A Time As This.  I am growing more confident in taking the steps He is showing and leading me to take even though my flesh is screaming at the discomfort of not being in my comfort zone.  I do know that under His cover fully is far better than even a breath of being outside of His will and covering.  Thankful I have the promise that He’s got me … wherever I am.  


I know, I say this almost every time, some would say its "random" selection but I know who leads me and prepares my daily Garden for me to walk with Him in.  My heart is so filled with joy at how much I am loved and trusted to do what He is leading me to do.  I am humbled at the care He took in creating the emotional and mental growth support for today.  It was as always … spot on with where I am walking in life today.  


Thank you for honoring me with your time.  Besides following my Standing The Gap blog, subscribing to my Standing The Gap YouTube channel, attending a class or retreat, purchasing written materials, your purchase of any of the above essential oils from myself or one of our Be Healthy His Way Associates helps support our family business which helps support my being able to freely walk in my purposed calling in SEEING (Supporting, Educating, Empowering, Inspiring, Nurturing and Growing) others.  


Sweetest Blessings to You!


Schedule in-person or online appointment:  bit.ly/stgappt


Michelle's Daily Insight - Don't let go until

Click here for Michelle's Daily Insights Video  or go to  https://youtu.be/aDZ_XUSVmMo


Today's Diving Board:  Genesis 32:24-29


Michelle's Inspiring Verse:  

…"I won’t let you go unless you bless me.” Genesis 32:26 CJSB


Today’s Garden of Eden:  


Essence:  Wintergreen, Tranquil, Pine, Cistus, Sensation, Raven, Cedarwood, Lady Sclareol, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Blue, Idaho Blue Spruce


Emotional & Mental Support:  


Overcomes Negative Perspective – Unsupported, Being Unimportant, Degraded, Rescuer, Conceit, Failure, Fear of Dependence, Restriction, Rigidity, Frozen, Suppressed Emotions 


Promotes Positive Growth Perspective – Secure, Value, Nurtured, Assertive, Regeneration, Self-Reliance, Meekness, Know who I am, Unfoldment, Growth, Freedom, Mobility, Open to new, Amusement, See the big picture, Vital, Move with ease, Protected


And He did it again!  I have a current challenge of decisions needing to be made and trust to be empowered … and God gives me this Garden of Eden and Word today.  Makes me ponder how I can ever wonder if God loves me and how I must accept and  love myself just as fully since I’m made in His image.  To withhold loving myself is to withhold loving God.  


I am ever grateful for His Garden of Eden* today during my study time to support my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being as I am being challenged and stretched  during my time of study For Such A Time As This.  I am closer in my journey of saying YES to what He is asking … I have got to cling to what I know God is showing and asking as Ya’akov or Jacob wrestled with God until the blessing was his.   


I know, I say this almost every time, some would say its "random" selection but I know who leads me and prepares my daily Garden for me to walk with Him in.  My heart is so filled with joy at how much I am loved and trusted to do what He is leading me to do.  I am humbled at the care He took in creating the emotional and mental growth support for today.  It was as always … spot on with where I am walking in life today.  

What blessing are you wrestling for?  Please share below for us to encourage you and others.

Thank you for honoring me with your time.  Besides following my Standing The Gap blog, subscribing to my Standing The Gap YouTube channel, attending a class or retreat, purchasing written materials, your purchase of any of the above essential oils from myself or one of our Be Healthy His Way Associates helps support our family business which helps support my being able to freely walk in my purposed calling in SEEING (Supporting, Educating, Empowering, Inspiring, Nurturing and Growing) others.  


Tenacious Blessings to You!


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